Visual Basic Source Code
Visual Basic Source Code.iso
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BASIC Source File
91 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Public Message(2) As Boolean
Public r2, r3, g2, g3, b2, b3 As Integer
Public Sub MBox(MObj As Form, Mtxt As String, Mbut0 As String, Mbut1 As String, Mbut2 As String, Micon As Integer, Mtitle As String, MR As Integer, MG As Integer, MB As Integer, Mfont1 As String, Mfont2 As String, MposX As Integer, MposY As Integer)
' 1 = question
' 2 = info
' 3 = exlamation
' 4 = critical
' 5 = disk
' 6 = folder
' 7 = printer
' 8 = write
' 9 = trash
Message(0) = False
Message(1) = False
Message(2) = False
With MObj
r2 = MR + 50: If r2 > 255 Then r2 = 255
g2 = MG + 50: If g2 > 255 Then g2 = 255
b2 = MB + 50: If b2 > 255 Then b2 = 255
r3 = MR - 50: If r3 < 0 Then r3 = 0
g3 = MG - 50: If g3 < 0 Then g3 = 0
b3 = MB - 50: If b3 < 0 Then b3 = 0
.Label2.BackColor = RGB(MR, MG, MB)
.Label3.BackColor = RGB(r3, g3, b3)
.Picture1.BackColor = RGB(MR, MG, MB)
.Pic1(0).BackColor = RGB(MR, MG, MB)
.Pic1(1).BackColor = RGB(MR, MG, MB)
.Pic1(2).BackColor = RGB(MR, MG, MB)
.Label1(0).BackColor = RGB(MR, MG, MB)
.Label1(1).BackColor = RGB(MR, MG, MB)
.Label1(2).BackColor = RGB(MR, MG, MB)
.Label1(0).ForeColor = RGB(MR Xor 255, MG Xor 255, MB Xor 255)
.Label1(1).ForeColor = RGB(MR Xor 255, MG Xor 255, MB Xor 255)
.Label1(2).ForeColor = RGB(MR Xor 255, MG Xor 255, MB Xor 255)
.Label2.ForeColor = RGB(MR Xor 255, MG Xor 255, MB Xor 255)
.Label3.ForeColor = RGB(r2, g2, b2)
MObj.BackColor = RGB(MR, MG, MB)
Dim qq As Integer
For qq = 0 To 2
.Label1(qq).Move 1, 1, .Pic1(qq).ScaleWidth - 2, .Pic1(qq).ScaleHeight - 2
.Pic1(qq).Line (0, 0)-(.Pic1(qq).ScaleWidth - 1, .Pic1(qq).ScaleHeight - 1), RGB(r2, g2, b2), B
.Pic1(qq).Line (0, .Pic1(qq).ScaleHeight - 1)-(.Pic1(qq).ScaleWidth - 1, .Pic1(qq).ScaleHeight - 1), RGB(r3, g3, b3)
.Pic1(qq).Line (.Pic1(qq).ScaleWidth - 1, .Pic1(qq).ScaleHeight - 1)-(.Pic1(qq).ScaleWidth - 1, 0), RGB(r3, g3, b3)
Next qq
.Label2.Caption = Mtxt
.Label3.Font = Mfont1
.Label1(0).Font = Mfont1
.Label1(1).Font = Mfont1
.Label1(2).Font = Mfont1
.Label2.Font = Mfont2
MObj.Move MposX, MposY, 4500, .Label2.Height + 1140
.Label3.Move 45, 45, MObj.Width - 90, 300
.Label3.Caption = " " & Mtitle
.Label1(0).Caption = Mbut0
.Label1(1).Caption = Mbut1
.Label1(2).Caption = Mbut2
.Pic1(0).Top = MObj.Height - .Pic1(0).Height - 90
.Pic1(1).Top = MObj.Height - .Pic1(0).Height - 90
.Pic1(2).Top = MObj.Height - .Pic1(0).Height - 90
.Picture1.Top = (MObj.Height / 2) - (.Picture1.Height / 2)
.Picture1.Picture = .ImageList1.ListImages(Micon).Picture
.Pic1(1).Visible = False
.Pic1(2).Visible = False
.Pic1(0).Left = (MObj.Width / 2) - (.Pic1(0).Width / 2)
If Mbut1 <> "" Then .Pic1(1).Visible = True
If Mbut2 <> "" Then .Pic1(2).Visible = True
If Mbut1 <> "" And Mbut2 <> "" Then
.Pic1(0).Left = (MObj.Width / 2) - .Pic1(0).Width - (.Pic1(1).Width / 2) - 45
.Pic1(1).Left = (MObj.Width / 2) - (.Pic1(1).Width / 2)
.Pic1(2).Left = (MObj.Width / 2) + (.Pic1(1).Width / 2) + 45
End If
If Mbut1 <> "" And Mbut2 = "" Then
.Pic1(0).Left = (MObj.Width / 2) - .Pic1(0).Width - 23
.Pic1(1).Left = (MObj.Width / 2) + 23
End If
MObj.Line (15, 15)-(MObj.Width - 30, MObj.Height - 30), RGB(r2, g2, b2), B
MObj.Line (15, MObj.Height - 30)-(MObj.Width - 30, MObj.Height - 30), RGB(r3, g3, b3)
MObj.Line (MObj.Width - 30, MObj.Height - 30)-(MObj.Width - 30, 30), RGB(r3, g3, b3)
MObj.Line (30, .Label3.Top + .Label3.Height)-(MObj.Width - 30, .Label3.Top + .Label3.Height), RGB(r3, g3, b3)
MObj.Line (30, .Label3.Top + .Label3.Height + 15)-(MObj.Width - 30, .Label3.Top + .Label3.Height + 15), RGB(r2, g2, b2)
End With
MObj.Show 1
End Sub